Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Damn near ate an entire zoo last night

Last night I went to this Mongolian restaurant and damn near ate an entire zoo. I had zebra (very yummy), wild boar, kangaroo, ostrich, and crocodile (not all that good). I didn't have room for the shark, which apparently wasn't all that good anyway. 

Festival season is starting, and there are even more fucking tourists wandering around. Went to the Spiegel Garden on the University Campus after dinner last night. It was pretty cool. 

I've been starting to get a lot of work done on my new MacBook, which I absolutely love so far.

For the past two days, the weather was actully wonderful, though it is back to normal (for this summer) today.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I'm Free

I was supposed to work until Saturday this week (10 hrs Fri, 10 hrs Sat), but I decided that that was no way to spend one of my last two weekends here, so I just called my manager and told him to suck it.  I already feel so much better.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Will Start Updating More Soon

Hopefully, my new laptop will be sent on its way over here today, so will be able to start updating regularly (among so many other things) soon.  Went to work today, where some electricians (?) were trying to install something on this overhang above the bar, and they ended up making it collapse, so I've got the night off.  Of course, since I'm off, the weather is absolute shite.  Had an interesting time at a pub singing American classics with a bunch of people from all over the world.  That's about it for now.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Screw Work

The day after that tryout shift at the one restaurant, I received a call saying that things were not going to work out. However, the next day, I ended up getting a job at a Pakistani restaurant, though that whole experience has sucked. Because of my situation, this is the best job that I've been able to find, especially this time of year when there are so many other people looking for work. I'm getting paid 4 pounds an hour, under the table (minimum wage is something like 5.35/hr). On top of that, the restaurant keeps all the tips, though that doesn't really matter as they just have me basically bussing anyway. I'm going to try to hang in until Friday and give my notice then, but I'm not too sure if I can make it. While I have been told that it is customary throughout the UK, I wouldn't be surprised if it is just this place, but the restaurant is holding on to a week's pay to make sure that I give notice instead of just walking out, as I nearly did last night. I am a bit worried that they might try to dick me out of that pay, though I could always report the tax-free, sub-minimum wage pay, so that should hopefully protect me.

My tens days sharing that flat ended and I'm back at a hostel. It's far more backpacker-oriented than the last one I was at, which is rather nice, though I do miss having some storage space. Neither the flat nor this hostel have really had convenient internet access, hence the lack of updates lately.

Aside from the work stuff, I am still really enjoying my time over here.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I AM movin' on up (somehow)

I just got back to the hostel from my try-out shift, and somehow, I got the job. It seems like here, they train you for about an hour and then just throw you on the floor on a pretty busy night (even Teak's usually does more training than that). It was pretty intense. I was awful and quite frankly, didn't think there was any way that I was going to be coming back--I can't count how many times I screwed up. However, I did apparently do something right (though I'll be damned if I know what that was). I'm really not used to the whole fine dining thing. Also, you don't have sections at this restaurant. Everyone just walks around to all the tables and does whatever--pretty weird.

It's been a really long time since I had as bad an urge to get absolutely wasted as I do after tonight, but I'm so tired I'm just going to go to bed.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I'm movin' on up (maybe)

I had another interview today that resulted in my landing a 'try-out shift' tomorrow night. It's at Atrium, an upscale place that has twice been voted the best restaurant in Edinburgh--a bit of an adjustment from dirtwoods. I also (finally) picked up the keys for the flat, though I unfortunately had to go over there twice as no one was there the first time. Consequently, I haven't had the opportunity to move my stuff over there yet--I'll probably just wait until tomorrow.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Found a job (maybe, sorta)

Today, I finally went into this place where I've been meaning to apply for a few days, and I scored a 3 hour, unpaid 'tryout' shift on Friday. I know it sounds a little sketchy, but at this point, whatever. I 'move' into that flat tomorrow, though I'm not really looking forward to the actual moving part. It's been pretty nice not really having to pack up for for the past week and a half (though I did have to change rooms here a couple days ago). I also went ahead and booked a week in another hostel for when I have to leave the flat. That's really about it. I've had another pretty mellow day today.