Wednesday, May 16, 2007

A Little Disappointment

Originally uploaded by msgacy2.

Yesterday was a beautiful day. Went to a couple modern art museums, ate, and then started off on the hostel's pub crawl again. Didn't seem as cool as the prior night's, so I ended up heading to some bar located just below a hostel where I met up with an Australian, Canadian, and then a brother and sister from NC (I swear, I really am trying to meet people from other nations). We went to a couple of the places that had looked really promising, Cabaret Voltaire and Subway, the former was pretty cool, but packed and I don't think I have ever been subjected to more pungent BO, and the latter was playing emo and had a bunch of little kids jumping around. The actual bar was cool, though. Perhaps other nights there will be more my style. It's pretty overcast today. Have to do laundry, then perhaps go do a whisky tasting, and then I'm meeting up with the group from last night for a literary pub crawl.

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