Sunday, June 17, 2007


This was going to be short anyways, but since I already wrote it out once before Explorer took a crap on me, it is going to be especially so. I've decided that I definitely did not give myself enough time to find a job, so I am going to try to reschedule my flight for the 27th at the earliest. If I don't find a job by then, I'm going to have to head home as my credit cards are not holding up all that well, especially not in the UK. I walked around New Town today, and though I only found one place to hand in my CV, I did send out at least seven through email today. Later tonight, I am going to go to what I believe to be (and have pretty much been told is) the biggest dive in Edinburgh, as they are hiring right now.

Last night, I went to the Wee Red Bar, a cool little place on the campus of the art college here for an indie night. While it was apparently unusually dead as there had been a big party on campus the night before, I did end up talking to a few locals, Mark, David, and Becca. Once the bar closed, we walked quite a way back to their place, and then Mark, David, and myself went to this party at the flat of this cool graphic designer from Canada. The place was so far out there that it wasn't even on my little map, but I somehow managed to find my way back to the hostel (after a 50+ minute walk), and got back just in time for breakfast-3 mini boxes of Frosted Flakes. Oh, how I have missed crappy American kids' cereal!

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